
I provide marketing, communications and copywriting services. This can be project based, a full review and strategy creation or ongoing writing or marketing services.

Please contact me to see how I can assist you.

MacBook Pro near white open book
MacBook Pro near white open book
Writing and communications

• Audit of current social media activities
• Hashtag and strategy research
• Developing a personal strategy
• Content creation (including editing & social media graphics)
• Publishing content on Instagram & Facebook
• Community management


• Daily engagement to grow your account
• Facebook Group management
• Blog post writing
• Newsletter creation
• Guide/Freebie creation
• Graphic design

Social Media

The initial contract is always for 3 months – this way, we can monitor together that we achieve the desired results. After the initial contract period, we continue on a monthly basis.


On request – the total price depends on your business and needs


It's true that a picture tells more than a thousand words – and on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, top graphics can make or break your content. In my work, I focus on creating visual assets that work cross-functionally across different platforms and communicate your brand in the best way possible.


• Social media graphic templates
• Facebook ads design
• Facebook covers and headers
• Instagram story highlight icons
• Instagram story stickers
• Product cover


The initial contract is always for 3 months – this way, we can monitor together that we achieve the desired results. After the initial contract period, we continue on a monthly basis.


On request – the total price depends on your business and needs.

”We went from having zero online presence to dominating our niche on Google. As a technophobe I never thought we could do it, but currently social media amounts for the majority of our sales.”

Nicollas Ductorn
Director of Corporate MarketingForge Inc.

First consultation for free

People don't buy goods and services. They buy solutions and stories that you tell.