In November I attended the Work of Art Showcase and Forum in Orange NSW. It was the culmination of 18 months work by over 60 women in creative business, made possible by Regional Arts NSW and their partners.

Roundtables discussions, presentations, workshops, gallery displays, performances and so much more happened. I’m not sure if I could accurately describe the amount of positive and supportive energy that was there (knowing me though, I’ll try!).

I was fortunate enough to have a display of my work at the CWA hall and also made a Petcha Kucha presentation.

The amount of inspiration I’ve gained from seeing the work of the others in the program and from the many conversations we’ve had is off the charts. What an amazing group of women.

Thank you to everyone that was involved. What a great program to be a part of these last 18 months.

I look forward to seeing what comes next!

Work of Art Showcase and Forum 2024

‘The Gobster - An insider’s love letter to Melbourne’ is a dedication to Melbourne from those who know and love it best.

I’m fortunate enough that my poem ‘Trailing the Thread’ is included.

Thank you to Bowen Street Press for selecting my work to placed with other interesting reads about the city where I grew up.

The Gobster snatches poem for collection

'Evolution of Joy - how play grows up' is a mixed-media anthology about how play changes as we get older and what we can do to get childlike joy back into our lives as adults.

My poem 'Rediscovering what was once lost' is included.

A big thank you to Bowen Street Press for selecting my work to be placed with such wonderful pieces.

Poem included in Anthology

'Mildura Seasons' has launched!

Mildura Seasons, a bilingual picture book in English and Punjabi, has been released.

The story takes you on a poetic journey across Mildura through the four seasons with stunning watercolour illustrations by a local artist, along with translations into Punjabi provided by a local community member.

It is part of a wider project by Mildura Rural City Council to produce a series of bilingual books for the area by working with community members. Hardcover copies are available, or you can download your free copy below.

I had so much fun working with the team for this and had an incredible time celebrating with everyone at the launch as they shared their stories.

Hi, I'm Claire

I love to write books and have recently signed a publishing agreement for my first traditionally published picture book which will be released in the next year.

I also provide marketing, communications and copywriting services.


See my available and upcoming books.

Freelance services

I can help you with marketing and communications consultations and projects, and also provide full copywriting services.

MacBook Pro near white open book
MacBook Pro near white open book