'Mildura Seasons' has launched!

Mildura Seasons, a bilingual picture book in English and Punjabi, has been released.

The story takes you on a poetic journey across Mildura through the four seasons with stunning watercolour illustrations by a local artist, along with translations into Punjabi provided by a local community member.

It is part of a wider project by Mildura Rural City Council to produce a series of bilingual books for the area by working with community members. Hardcover copies will be released in April, but for now you can download your free copy below.

I had so much fun working with the team for this and had an incredible time celebrating with everyone at the launch as they shared their stories.

Hi, I'm Claire

I love to write books and have recently signed a publishing agreement for my first traditionally published picture book which will be released in the next year.

I also provide marketing, communications and copywriting services.


See my available and upcoming books.

Freelance services

I can help you with marketing and communications consultations and projects, and also provide full copywriting services.

MacBook Pro near white open book
MacBook Pro near white open book